Roof Glass Options

All our glass units are toughened, and have self cleaning glass. There are numerous options to choose from but we aim to offer the best performing glass on the market, giving you peace of mind that your new conservatory roof will be the best it can. There are several tints available, which provide different solar reflection and light transmission. See the table below for the specifications. The most popular option is the sunshade blue, which is a slightly darker blue tint, providing exceptional solar reflection, but also a pleasent blue hue when you look through to the sky. The best performing solar reflection comes from the Ultra Grey tint. From outside this looks dark, but from inside it offers a clear view out - quite a striking appearance.

Glass Tint U-Value Solar Heat reflection Light Transmission
Sunshade Blue 1.0 82% 25%
Ambi-Blue 1.0 64% 53%
Ambi-Neutral 1.0 68% 39%
Ambi-Bronze 1.2 55% 38%
Ambi-Aqua 1.0 82% 30%
Ambi Ultra Grey 1.0 91% 8%

Glow Glass

A brand new technology to provide a heating solution to a conservatory. Avoid the need to install radiators, or use portable heaters on the floor, by using the Glow Glass units to provide electrically powered radiant heat to the room. The units come with thermostat control and available in a range of tints.

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